Mercury: Lista de Peças GCC

Parts NumberPeça
12170001GLaser Power Meter
20200059GPrism mounts Assembly.
20600016GY motor Belt.
20600020GRotary Kit Belt(290-2GT-W6)
20600021GRotary Kit Belt(176-2GT-W6)
20600023GX Motor Belt(2GT-160-6)
20600024GZ-axis belt.(5GT-2910-9)
20600025GY-axis belt.(2GT-1294-12)
20600026GX-axis belt.(2GT-1764-10)
20900082GRotary Kit Cable (Female)
20900083Rotary Kit Cable(Male)
20900377GX Motor Flat Cable
20900398GAC Cable(USA)
20900403GAC Power Cable(CE)
20900446GLaser Control Panel Wiring(Mercury I)
20900628GSignal cable for auto focus to X axis PCB(Mercury)
20901350GKEYBOARD CABLE(Mercury II)
21500021GFlash Rom
22000045GMagnet MC-12
22800144GY Rail
22800630GAir nozzle
22800641GX Rail
22801939GEngraving Platform (Mercury)
23300385GX tube chain.
23400015GControl panel sticker.
23400017GControl panel sticker(Mercury II&Explorer)
24100170GPC window.
24500003GLaser power supply (Mercury100W&NeptuneI)
24500021GPower supply (110V-600W/220V-800W-48C DC power)
24500032GPower supply ALS-800-30C(Asner 800W/30V- Synrad V30)
24500042Gpower supply 320W-30V (SP-320-30)(Synrad 12W)
24500043GPower Supply (Synrad, 600W/30V)- Mercury & Spirit
25700008GLevel Limited Switch
25700014GON/OFF SW
25700015GMagnetic Switch
26500165GWindow Handle.
26500166GWindow Hinge.
26500239GY tube chain.
26500693GWindow Cylinder.(5kg)
2900007450W Wiring PCB, Mercury
29000077Laser Control PCB (Mercury 100W/Rofin)
29000173GRotary Kit Motor
29000208GControl panel Assembly. (Mercury)
29000210GMagnet switch Assembly
29000266Rofin 100W laser diagnostic plug
29000272GX-axis pulley (right)
29000276GX Motor PCB (Mercury I/Venus I)
29000305GAuto focus PCB (Mercury/Venus/Explorer)
29000796Fan Upgrade Assembly
29000851GPower Board(Mercury I)
29000875GControl panel PCB Assembly(Mercury I)
29000877GLaser Control Wiring PCB, Mercury (Synrad)
29000884G25/30W Wiring PCB for tube (Mercury/Venus/LaserPro)
29000908GMain Board.(Mercury I 12w-50w/V/J)
29001105GSmall Roller Assembly (Black)
29001108GAuto focus pin Assembly.
29001112GDU Roller Assembly
29001135GY motor Assembly.
29001139GX-axis idel pulley for Mercury (left)
29001140GX motor Assembly
29001141GZ motor Assembly. (Mercury)
29001150Main Board. (Mercury 100W)
29001191GMercury carriage assembly (mirror & lens not included)
29001214GDeos Laser Control PCB (Mercury)
29001488GPower board(Mercury II)
29002873GRed pointer Assembly. (M/V)
29004370GX Motor PCB(Mercury II/Venus II)
29004372GMercury? Y-AXIS MOTOR
29005144GMercury II mainboard with Mercury II firmware (for Service)
29005351GExplorer & Mercury II Keyboard Assembly (8051 F340)
29005488GX Ruler
29005489GY Ruler
40100037Push-Pull tension gauge
49000001Belt tension meter for Mercury. (pushing)
49000002Belt tension meter. (pulling)
29001101G1.5" Lens
290073600G2.0" Lens
29001103G2.5" Lens
29001104G4.0" Lens
290073380G0.75" The 1st Mirror
29001144G0.75" The 2nd & 3rd Mirror
29001107G1" Carrage Mirror
29001051GRotary Attachment
29002603G1.5" & 2.0" Focus tool
29002606G2.5" Focus Tool
29002604G4.0" Focus Tool

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16/12/2011 - Spirit: Lista de Peças GCC

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