Sable: Lista de Peças GCC

Parts NumberParts Name
20600099GCohere belt S2M-W9-L80 - Sable
20600100GY-axis belt for Sable60 S2M-W9-L1548 - Sable
20600101GX-axis blet for Sable (S2M-W10-L260) - Sable
20900165GCable of M/B to control panel 14Pin/35cm (SY003-717(LF))
23400018GControl Panel Sticker
24100180GTool carriage cover (Bobcat)
24100408Gleft cover (Sable) -white
24100409Gright cover(Sable) - white
24100413GRear platen extention Sable60
24100414GFront platen extension Sable60
24100474GLeft Cover(Black)-Sable 60
24100475GRight Cover(Black)-Sable 60
24401424GSide support right Sable
24401425GSide support left Sable
24500068G65W/2 Output switching power supply
25700004GON/OFF Power Switch
29000871GControl panel PCB Assembly.
29001548GY-Axis Idel Pulley Assembly Puma.
29001549GCarriage PCB Assembly (Puma II 132)
29002796GCarriage Assembly without PCB (Bobcat )
29003401GFlat Cable Assembly.(101CM) - Puma III
29003765GControl Panel of Sable
29003794GY-Axis Pulley Asembly of Sable
29003796GY Motor Assembly-Sable60
29003804GX Motor Assembly-Sable60
29003832GPinch roller Assembly of Sable
29003965GLimit switch Assembly - Sable
29004306GAuxiliary Pinch roller Assembly -Sable
29005210GCarrier guide roller(DU type)Assembly For Service - Puma II&Sable&Bengal&Bobcat
29005210GCarrier guide roller(DU type)Assembly For Service - Puma II&Sable&Bengal&Bobcat
29005337GA roller Assembly (for Service) - Sable
29005790GSable Main Board Assembly-internation export

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